What We DO

and Families

We are a church for all ages and we value our children. The Somersville Church provides programs for kids and entire families. We believe that children are not just the church of the future , they are the church of today.

Weekly Sunday School

Our church offers weekly Christian education for toddlers through middle school.  Weather permitting, Sunday school classes are held at 10AM each Sunday at a nearby park. During inclement weather, children and teachers meet for class on the Zoom videoconference platform at 11:15AM. Please contact the church office for more information. We have a team of dedicated teachers who have many years of experience with all ages.  Our curriculum, Shine, is creative, challenging, and fun.  Parents and guardians are always encouraged to sit in on the program along with their kids.

Summer Vacation Camp

For a week each summer, children ages 4-11 are invited to participate in our free day camp. Kids are dropped off between 8:30 and 9:00 each morning and picked up at noon. While at the day camp, participants will engage in crafts, songs, games, snacks, and a daily Bible story. At the end of the week, the kids put on a festive show demonstrating what they did. Drawing from a passage in the book of the Bible known as the Acts of the Apostles, the program for the summer of 2021 is entitled “Paul in Athens.” You can read about

Messy Church

There’s a movement spreading in Christian churches in countries around the globe to create worship experiences that work for all ages. One program toward this end, Messy Church, values creativity, hospitality, and joy in worship. We are eager to welcome you to our next Messy Church service when public health circumstances permit. There is no need for you to have experience with The Somersville Church or with other Messy Churches at all! Just bring the kids to have a messy, faithful, creative, joyful time together. Note that our time together includes a simple, kid-friendly meal.